Reclaim Table
Reclaim Home in Menlo Park, CA is a friend of Urban Woods and was inspired by a desire for green home products to be more accessible and an enthusiasm about all the incredible choices available these days in everything from ec0-friendly furniture to flooring. According to Reclaim Home’s owner, Bridget Bradley, “Our goal is to find products that you instantly fall in love with because of their style, comfort, and usability. The fact that they are also eco-friendly will be an added bonus. Some of the items in our store are made of recycled materials, others are certified organic, and others are made with sustainable materials that won’t offgas dangerous chemicals in your home. While it is not possible in every case, we give preference to products made in California to help reduce carbon emissions resulting from shipping materials over long distances.”
Reclaim Home will be exhibiting their wares at the Green Festival in San Francisco on November 13-25 at the San Francisco Concourse Exhibition Center. Go see their Organic Mattresses by Savvy Rest and Sustainable Beds by Urban Woods.