SFC+Logo+2007 - Sustainable Furniture Council (SFC) Has Grown to Over 100 Members StrongThe Sustainable Furniture Council looks like a Who’s Who of the furniture industry. A diverse cross section of the industry including manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, media, trade groups and individuals have joined the SFC making it a real driving force for sustainablity. The SFC will have a presence at every major tradeshow across the country including the World Market Center in Las Vegas, N.V. and the International Home Furnishing Market in High Point, N.C. In 2008, the SFC will be launching a public advertising and in-store tagging program for consumers to identify retailers and products which exceed their threshold sustainability standards. The Standards Committee is currently reviewing all legitimate, independent certification schemes to establish eligibility requirements. All 2007 Applicants who become members in good standing will be considered Founding Members, with a 12-month grace period in 2008 to come into compliance with our standards for Basic or Exemplary membership. Companies and individuals from all corners of the home furnishings industry have joined in support of the SFC as Founding Members. You can be one of them if you join before the end of 2007.

Corporate Members:
A & R Furniture and Interiors
ABC Carpet & Home www.abchome.com
Abner Henry Fine Furniture www.abnerhenry.com
AdenWorks Ltd. Inc www.AdenWorks.com
American Home Furnishings Alliance www.ahfa.us
American Leather www.americanleather.com
American Lighting & Furniture Group www.americanlighting.net
Area 51
Asia Minor Carpets www.asiaminorcarpets.com
Avangard Innovative www.avaicg.com
Banyan Trading www.banyantradingco.com
BiOHTM,Cargill Inc. www.bioh.com
Brazil Pine Furniture www.brazilpinefurniture.com
C. G. Sparks www.cgsparks.com
Caperton Furniture Works www.capertonfurnitureworks.com
Century Furniture www.centuryfurniture.com
Channel Logic, Inc. www.sustainablefurnituregurus.com
Circle Furniture www.circlefurniture.com
Cisco Brothers Corp. www.ciscobrothers.com
City Furniture www.cityfurniture.com
Classic Leather www.classic-leather.com
Copeland Furniture www.copelandfurniture.com
EcoDecor www.ecodecor.com
E J Victor www.ejvictor.com
Environment Furniture www.environmentfurniture.com
Forest World www.forestworld.com
Four Hands www.fourhands.com
French Heritage www.frenchheritage.com
From the Mountain www.fromthemountain.com
Fuhr Industrial www.fuhrindustrial.com
GE Money www.gemoney.com
The Green Furniture www.thegreenfurniture.com
Groovy Stuff www.groovystuff.com
Harden Furniture www.harden.com
Hickory Springs Manufacturing Company www.hickorysprings.com
Home Furnishings Business www.hfbusiness.com
Ibolili Natural Fibers www.ibolili.com
Inmodern www.inmodern.net
Knu/Industrial Woodworking Group www.getknu.com
Last Chantz Co dba Interiors With Oohs & Aahs
Lazar Furniture www.lazarind.com
Lee Industries www.leeindustries.com
Legare Furniture www.legarefurniture.com
Lillian August Designs, Inc www.lillianaugust.com
Mac Kenzie-Dow Fine Furniture www.mackenziedow.com
McCreary Modern www.mccrearymodernfurniture.com
Metamorphous Furniture www.metamorphous.com
MMPI www.merchandisemart.com
Moncure Plywood LLC
Mountain Woods Furniture www.mountainwoodsfurniture.com
O EcoTextiles, Inc. www.oecotextiles.com
Padma’s Plantation www.padmasplantation.com
Palecek www.palecek.com
Peninsula Home www.phcollection.com
Polyurethane Foam Association www.pfa.org
Porto www.portohome.com
Precedent www.precedent-furniture.com
Primex www.primexint.com
Restwell Mattress Company www.restwellmattressco.coml
Room & Board www.roomandboard.com
Rowe Furniture www.rowefurniture.com
Shenandoah Furniture Inc. www.shenandoahfurniture.com
Simply Amish www.simplyamish.com
South Cone www.southcone.com
The Futon Shop www.thefutonshop.com
The Green Furniture www.solutionsforhospitality.com
The Phillips Collection www.phillipscollection.com
Tucker Robbins (Studio) www.tuckerrobbins.com
Urban Country Designs, Ltd. www.urban-country.com
Urban Woods www.urbanwoods.net
Vanguard Furniture www.vanguardfurniture.com
VIRO Fiber www.virofiber.com
Vaughn Basset www.vaughan-bassett.com
West Bros. Furniture www.westbrosfurniture.com


Individual/Student Members
Natalie Addis, Distinctive Design Co
Ray Alegrezza, Furniture Today
Kevin Aylward, Prairie Rugs
Chris Barbo, Barbo Furniture & Enterprises
Holly Barbo, Barbo Furniture & Enterprises
Clarissa Blackiston
Eric Blackledge, Blackledge Furiture Co
Gary Braden, Bradens Furniture
Sharron Bradley, Western Home Furnishings Association
Jennifer Burger, Noni Worldwide, Inc dba Noni Home and Bath
Stoel Burrose, SB Designs
John Byfield, Zola Furnishings
Emily Carr, O Eco Textiles
Jan Taylor Castle
Jimmy Chiang
Wanda Cox, Black’s Furniture
Pete Delantar, Naturescast
Miriam and James Duncan
Peggy Farabaugh, Vermont Woods Studios
Nancy Farina, California Design Center
Kari Foster, Associates III
Sherri Gorsen, Grant Dawson, LLC
Steve Gretzinger, WWF’s Global Forest & Trade Network
Jason P Gustafson, Patagonia Legacy
Yvonne Hanks, A to Z Interiors of Raleigh, LLC
Pavel Hanousek, Fusion Z
Ernest Hershberger, Homestead Furniture
Jeff Hiller, HHH Consulting
Tom Inman, Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc.
Jesse D. Johnson. Q COLLECTION
Bob Kollm, ASU
Simone Lagnerini, Green Hides LLC
Michelle Lamb, The Trend Curve/ Marketing Directions Inc.
Laurence Mackler, Mackler Design Studio
David Mahood, Olive Designs
Joseph B. Manderson, Jbertrum
Patrick McCourt, Passport Accents
Cambria McKee, Fusion Z
Heidi McKinnon, MateriaPrima, LLC
Irene Nelson, Irene Nelson Interiors
Bill Neville, Caseworks
Michelle Pollak, The Lollipop Tree
Jennifer Prince, ASU
Chris Putnam, Putnam Pritchard Interiors
Christian Rathbone, Christian Rathbone Inc.
Sol Reeve, Zola Design Inc.
Mark Righter, Principal, Cambium Studio
Thadeus Rucinski
John Stein, Organo Natural
David P. Stine, Stine Woodworking, LLC
Cindy Testa, Grant Dawson, LLC
Andy Thornton, LaDifference
John Paul Tier
Richard Tomkins, Crescent Fine Furniture
Blake Tovin, Tovin Designs
Kate Verner, KV Design
Doug Wolf, Wolf Furniture Co
Joe Worthington, J Worthington’s Fine Furniture
Jennifer Zsambeky, Dicey Fabrics


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