Here at Urban Woods, we make custom furniture from reclaimed wood every day. As a result, our motivation to use reclaimed wood extends beyond the fact that it is good for the environment.
Of course, every day you can see in the news, the continued mass deforestation, changing temperatures, extreme pollution all over the world. Using reclaimed wood is the best way we can work against these factors while continuing to actively thrive in the design and home furnishings industry. The added benefit is the fact that reclaimed wood is superior to newly forested wood that you can buy from any lumber store.
The Reclaimed Douglas fir that we source from locally from demolished buildings was originally cut and milled nearly 100 years ago. It has been structurally active ever since. Rather than following industry standards and disposing of the wood along with the other parts of a demolished building, we reclaim it. This keeps it from land fill and gives it new life in a beautiful piece of furniture or a decorative element of a home.
The old wood has superior strength due to the slow growth that occurred during it’s natural growth pattern over many years. This growth process results in tight growth rings and dense wood. The wood is heavier, stronger and virtually impermeable to destructive wood pests like termites and wood beetles. The original milling created saw marks and the years of oxidation make the surface color of the wood a warm brownish color which is impossible to duplicate in new wood.
As a result of our selection, trimming and cutting for manufacturing, we create many useful scraps that are commonly used in other projects like wall art, wall paneling and other custom scrap applications. We encourage our customers to utilize the large selection of reclaimed wood scraps that are not used in our regular production to be utilized for other projects.